West Chimes Street is getting a facelift.
Construction has been ongoing since the end of February to replace the sidewalk on West Chimes with a new paved walkway, according to Steven Castay, general manager of Reginelli’s and a member of the North Gate Merchants Association, which is working with the city on the project.
He estimates the construction, which will replace the old concrete sidewalk with a new cobblestone one, will be complete in a month.
While the project has left temporary ditches and fences around the restaurants, Castay said business at Reginelli’s hasn’t suffered.
Although the restaurant displays “We’re Open” on its window in giant letters, Castay said the message is only to assure customers that the restaurant isn’t affected by the construction.
“We’re just trying to make sure people know there’s a way to get in, whether it’s through the back door or in the front across the bridge,” he said.
Castay said the project has plenty of benefits for the businesses in the area.
“It’s going to help level off the sidewalk for outdoor eating,” he said, noting that the sidewalk was previously too slanted for dining outside.
He also mentioned the new cobblestone sidewalk will be aesthetically pleasing for anyone driving by the area.
Highland Coffees owner Clarke Cadzow, who is on the North Gate Merchant Association board, said in an e-mail the project is part of East Baton Rouge Mayor-President Kip Holden’s Green Light Plan, designed to improve the city’s roadways and sidewalks.
He said construction began in the area around the beginning of March and should last about two months.
The construction won’t stop with the cobblestone.
Cadzow said benches, bike racks and lighting will be added to the area, as well as landscaping around the street.
He estimated that Highland Coffees’ business has been down about 20 percent since the construction began, and he expects other businesses have seen similar trends, but he thinks the new sidewalks will be worth it.
“The work is proceeding rapidly, though, and I believe [it] will be worth the temporary inconvenience,” Cadzow said. ”It will be one of the prettiest sidewalks in town once it is complete.”
He said North Gate is one of the few walkable areas in the city and adds its own unique culture to Baton Rouge.
“It’s just part of our overall efforts to improve the area for pedestrians and bicyclists,” Cadzow said.
—- Contact Kevin Thibodeaux at [email protected]
City heads project to replace W. Chimes St. sidewalk
March 19, 2012