Much like “March of the Penguins,” “Chimpanzee” follows the story of a cartload of chimps, focusing on the adorable baby Oscar. There’s no denying this movie is cute – watching these primates climb trees, eat fruit and groom one another is downright adorable, and the chimpanzees’ facial expressions are hilarious. Equally amazing is the cinematography. The movie was filmed over four years in Taï National Park in Côte d’Ivoire, Africa, and a better location couldn’t have been chosen. Aerial shots of the rainforest are intertwined with time-lapses of fungi spreading across rocks and army ants crawling on the jungle floor, all stitched together to form a gorgeous film. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to enjoy these majestic scenes with Tim Allen’s overzealous narration shattering any sense of peace and tranquility viewers might feel. “Chimpanzee” is one of the best-looking films of the last several years, but the annoying narration severely hampers its broad appeal.
Grade: C
Contact Taylor Balkom at [email protected]
RevRanks: “Chimpanzee”
April 26, 2012