With spring break just around the corner, students have been visiting the Student Recreation Complex to get their bodies beach ready.
Scott Belanger, assistant director of marketing and promotions for LSU University Recreation, said spring break is good motivation to get people to be conscience about fitness. But he said that’s just the start, and people should aim to make fitness part of their lifestyle year-round.
Healthy Lifestyles Coordinator Lacee Breeden recommended starting small when beginning a fitness program.
For those looking for a quick fix before heading to the beach next week, Breeden demonstrated several routine exercises to strengthen one’s core, the muscles responsible for posture and stability. She advised keeping movements controlled and the abdominal muscles engaged by pulling one’s belly button into the spine during exhaling breaths.
She is pictured using a 4-pound medicine ball, but she said each exercise can be modified and performed without the ball. She recommended beginning with one set of eight to 12 repetitions of each exercise.
Lie on your back and straighten both legs toward the ceiling while holding the medicine ball in your hands. Reach the ball toward your toes as you exhale. Exhale as you come down.
Begin in the standard crunch position while holding the ball in your hands. Exhale as you reach the ball up for a standard crunch. Exhale as you come down. Exhale as you crunch, reaching the ball to the outside of one knee. Repeat to other side.
In the seated position with knees bent, hold the medicine ball at your waist. Exhale as you twist your torso to one side of your body. Inhale as you return to the center. Repeat to other side.
Begin in the standard crunch position and place the medicine ball between your knees. Lift your feet off the ground to form a 90-degree angle with your knees. Lift your hips off the ground. Exhale as you crunch and inhale as you lower your legs.
Contact Haylie Navarre at [email protected]
Crunch Time: Four exercises to prepare your spring break body
April 5, 2012