The Student Government Senate passed a resolution to request University Auxiliary Services and the Student Union to install two water dispensers in the Union and a resolution to urge the city of Baton Rouge and the state of Louisiana to install stop lights “at the intersection of West Parker and Burbank and at Aster Street and Nicholson” at its Wednesday meeting.
The Senate also passed a bill “to allocate $4,000 from the Senate Contingency Account to fund the Greek Board of Directors EMPOWER Leadership Program.”
SG spent the remainder of its time debating a resolution to urge Finance and Administrative Services “to enforce rules and guidelines that have already been established pertaining to off-campus organizations in the Free Speech Plaza.”
The Senate decided to table the resolution after discussion.
“We’re not trying to stop free speech from everybody. We’re just trying to put everybody on a level playing field,” said Christian Glorioso, University Center for Freshman Year Senator, who helped write the resolution.
According to Glorioso, off-campus organizations are supposed to register their presence in Free Speech Plaza with Finance and Administrative Services. They are also supposed to stay behind a table and are not allowed to “accost” students.
“This is the student voice to the University saying, ‘We want you to do something,'” said Eben Smitherman, Senator of College of Science. “This is us voicing our opinion through free speech.”
Senator of College of Agriculture Kolby Lirette said he not only represents students, but also Americans.
“It’s a Free Speech Plaza. That’s what makes it special,” Lirette said.
After more than an hour of debate, Lirette moved to table the resolution for further technical changes.
SG President Cody Wells also notified the Senate that the city of Baton Rouge hopes to break ground on East Boyd Drive improvements in mid-March.
Contact Danielle Kelley at [email protected]
Senate tables Free Speech Plaza resolution
February 2, 2012