LSU Health Care Services Division moved Sunday from Kirby-Smith Hall to the administrative business office on Airline Highway, leaving the residence hall’s ninth through 12th floors vacant after the division’s lease terminates at the end of the month.
LSU Health Director of Communications and Media Relations Marvin McGraw said the division manages seven public hospitals and 500 clinics across southern Louisiana.
“It’s one of the largest public health systems in the country,” McGraw said.
The Health Care Services Division transferred to Kirby-Smith Hall in April 2008 after being housed at XI United Plaza on Essen Lane.
Jay High, Residential Life associate director, said ResLife is discussing the University’s plans for the vacant floors.
Gary Graham, director of Parking, Traffic and Transportation, said though there are no finalized plans for the lot in front of Kirby-Smith Hall. If Health Care Services Division employees are no longer occupying the lot, Graham said the parking office would change it back to a residential lot.
Graham said changing the Hart Lot back to all commuter would depend on the number of residents occupying the residential lots near Kirby-Smith.