Canadian duo Crystal Castles has cultivated sophisticated sound mechanics with “III.” The backbone of CC’s third studio release is a nuanced layering of synths and ambient noise. Alice Glass’ indistinct mutterings and defiant screams can be heard as always, guiding the music’s pathos. The tone of the album feels darker than the two prior; somber yet aggressive. “Sad Eyes,” “Plague” and other song titles prepare listeners for a grave survey of lo-fi lament. CC’s choice of album photo, a Yemeni mother consoling her grown son after he was exposed to tear gas at a street demonstration, is as raw as the music it is paired with. Ironically, the best album track is titled “Affection” and features an enchanting echo pattern that frames the song’s progression like a pursuit. “III” is not the kind of album one loves at first listen, but further plays are advised.
Grade: A