Before Thanksgiving, there is Snaps-giving.
The University’s premier feminist organization, Feminists in Action, will be kicking off Thanksgiving break with a poetry reading tonight at North Gate Tavern. Students will step up to the microphone to share both original compositions and selections from other writers, all with a feminist spin.
Catherine Cooper, English junior and vice president of Feminists in Action, said she hopes to boost awareness of FIA and enroll more students with this event. According to Cooper, poetry readings can share the group’s ideas without weighing the message down with vocabulary lessons and complex philosophy.
“Using poetry within feminism is unique because it is accessible to all, not just those in high political or economic status,” Cooper said. “Poetry gives the power of public expression.”
Cooper said FIA wants to use this event to promote more than just the group.
“This poetry reading is a way to express ideas that are not often voiced openly,” Cooper said. “It is a special community gathering that will spread awareness of issues that the group is trying to illuminate, such as the sexual objectification of women and the rape culture that America has become engulfed in.”
The event encourages a free range of readings, from traditional poetry to rap lyrics, from the feminist-focused to the simply inspiring. Cooper herself has narrowed her reading choices down to a composition by her boyfriend and a Gloria Steinem selection. Cooper said she hopes this kind of diversity will make students of all kinds feel included.
“We welcome any students, not only those within FIA, to either listen and become part of a social movement or contribute and share words that will incite a community’s love of art,” Cooper said.
Although the organization has held previous poetry readings in conjunction with other allied student groups, the fall poetry reading will be the first time FIA has struck out on its own with an event like this.
The poetry reading will take place at 9 p.m. tonight at North Gate Tavern with a $5 cover to raise funds for FIA’s community involvement.