Those of you who read this may remember that I promised to make a variety of Halloween treats last week. Well, bad news for you.
I’m sick.
Not like cough, cough I don’t feel like going to school today sick. Like stay in bed all day, plan to get my tonsils taken out, feel like I’m going to die sick. Not cute.
Needless to say, I was not going to be on camera today. I can barely stand up in the kitchen for more than five minutes at a time.
Luckily for me, some of the best sick food is only a five-minute microwave ride away.
Here are a few of my favorites:
Red Baron french bread pizza- So delicious. The individual ones are available in the freezer section of the Dollar Store and take less than 4 minutes to cook in the microwave. I pick up at least 3 every time I stop by there.
Lean Cuisine Paninis- These are FANTASTIC. It’s the easiest thing to do bring for lunch at school, because it doesn’t require any kind of utensils or extra stuff. The way the box is set up, the bread gets so crispy and warm. The sandwiches come with all different kinds of toppings and it’s a super easy, cheap alternative to buying a sandwich on campus.
P.F. Chang’s Beef with Broccoli- The best of the bunch. This can be a bit pricey, most bags cost about $8, but I usually get two or three meals out of each batch. Everything – sauce, beef, broccoli – is included in the bag and all you need to do is pour it into a pan and stir. Fantastic.
So there they are, some of the best frozen food Baton Rouge has to offer. Enjoy!