The Baton Rouge Police Department deployed its SWAT Team on Saturday night after Michael Eichler, 44, allegedly attempted to stab a person on Tula Street, then barricaded himself into his apartment at 140 E. State Street, according to BRPD spokesman Cpl. Tommy Stubbs.
Around 11 p.m., BRPD officers responded to a call from a victim who said Eichler attempted to force his way into the victim’s apartment at 3306 Tula Street.
The SWAT Team was deployed to Eichler’s home, entered and arrested him.
He was charged with aggravated burglary, aggravated assault, disturbing the peace and resisting an officer.
Political science junior Derek Reed walked past the commotion Saturday night and said the street was blocked with police cars. He said one officer was mounting a gun on top of a SWAT vehicle parked on the street.