The Brooklyn-based duo known for high-energy anthems and textured sounds has gone overboard with “Lightning.” Listeners will likely feel they’ve drank too much coffee as tracks’ jittery synthesizers and speedy hooks induce anxiety rather than pep. Matt & Kim have returned to a less refined, home-recording sound similar to “Grand.” The twosome’s songwriting remains repetitive, but boundless enthusiasm goes a long way to maintain the band’s happy-go-lucky aura. Piano play is largely absent from “Lightning,” although well-incorporated in “Not That Bad.” The audiophiles take a stab at slowing down the album’s frenetic pace with closing song “Ten Dollars I Found.” The result is a drowsy, drawn-out number that lumbers along like a funeral dirge. Matt & Kim have enough indie cred to get away with this average album, but let’s hope “Lightning” doesn’t strike their creative influence twice.
Grade: C