Four out of five Guantanamo Bay detainees preferred waterboarding to watching this film. There is no drama, there is no plot, and there is no point to seeing this movie. Katy Perry looks like a fake Disney character with a serious case of the crazy eyes. Headbutting bloody ice picks is a better way to spend an evening. The film is wildly inappropriate. Her songs are all about sex, and she dresses in manner that would give any father a heart attack if they saw their little girl that way, which is coincidentally the only redeeming factor from the viewpoint of a heterosexual male. Perry uses her film to take shots at people she clearly doesn’t like, including former husband Russell Brand, whom she makes looks apathetic and uninvolved with their marriage, while she struggle to make it work. If you see one film this summer, make it anything but this.
Grade: F
____ Contact Mike Gegenheimer at [email protected]
RevRanks: Katie Perry: Part of Me
July 11, 2012