Vertigo Records
Prodigal son Brandon Flowers has returned to The Killers for its first album since 2008, and the band’s sound seems to have evolved during the four-year hiatus. Between the heartfelt single “Runaways” and dramatic orchestrations like “A Matter of Time” and “The Rising Tide,” “Battle Born” is a strong, cohesive rock album. Unlike the band’s previous releases, though, it’s hard to pick out a stunner single on “Battle Born” when so many tracks seem to work best in context. There’s no “Mr. Brightside” or “Somebody Told Me,” not even a “When You Were Young.” The Killers have grown past pop rock glam-jams and fleshed out Dust-Bowl-meets-Bowie vibes with a record of anthemic stadium rock. As an album, “Battle Born” is solid, but The Killers may have to work harder to find a place on top 40 radio this time around.
Grade: B