In addition to filling their brains with knowledge in the library or filling their stomachs in the Student Union, students can now fill their phones with electricity.
As part of a Student Tech Fee initiative, the University installed several phone charging stations around campus — two in Middleton Library and one in the third-floor Union computer lab.
Michael Smith, Director of Technical Services for User
Support and Student IT Enablement, said the project is a pilot. Depending on usage, it could expand in
the future.
English sophomore Sarah Lewis said the stations provide a useful service to students.
“I like to stay on campus all day because of the way my classes fall,” Lewis said. “I need to use my phone during the day, but that also means that my battery runs down pretty quickly. It’s nice to not have to worry about my phone dying.”
But some students are critical of the project.
Philosophy junior Michael Wilson said the charging stations are located too close together.
“If they spread the stations out a little bit and moved one of the ones that is in the library, it would be good,” Wilson said. “Maybe if they could put one in the Business Complex, that way it is more spread out. Right now it is all clustered in one area.”
The stations currently offer Android and iPhone adapters, a feature convenient to many students.
“I’m glad that they decided to put in more than one kind,” said business freshman Gregory Harris. “A lot of people have iPhones, but there are more kinds of Android phones and they all use the same charger.”