Moviegoers with the patience for a movie that spends almost two hours trapped inside the same limousine might enjoy “Cosmopolis.” Otherwise, it’s cold and often weighed down with rambling capitalist philosophizing from the point of view of a detached yuppie, as if the screenplay was co-authored by Patrick Bateman on an impressionist kick. “Cosmopolis” follows a young billionaire (Robert Pattinson) on a bizarre, psychologically exhausting 24-hour trip across town for a haircut. While its grungy hoards of Occupy-esque protestors and ideas about technology and wealth make it relevant, the shock value and shining moments aren’t quite enough to make the movie work. However, Pattinson impresses with a controlled, icy performance that finally proves he’s capable of something less cringe-worthy than Edward “Sad-Sack” Cullen. The material may be dense, but there’s something to be said for an actor who can make getting a prostate exam in the back of a limousine watchable.
Grade: C
____ Contact Kaci Yoder at [email protected]
RevRanks: “Cosmopolis”
August 23, 2012