Christopher Quinnon Brady, a University student, turned himself in Wednesday after the LSU Police Department sent out a broadcast email looking for a man who posed as an art student to photograph a female student. Brady, 20, of 13306 Avants Ave., was charged with simple battery and a misdemeanor summons. Brady, a mechanical engineering junior, allegedly pretended to be an art student and attempted to take inappropriate photos of a female student in Patrick F. Taylor Hall on Tuesday. The woman he tried to photograph initially agreed to have her picture taken, but when Brady’s advances made the woman uncomfortable, she refused. She also claimed Brady pushed her. Brady turned himself in as the man described by LSUPD, but admitted to the crime after questioning from police. Disciplinary repercussions from the University are not yet known.
____ Contact Chris Grillot at [email protected]
Police arrest faux art student
August 23, 2012