Sticks and stones may break our bones, but it seems only Alabama fans can hurt us these days.
Even before the Tigers’ dismal performance against the Crimson Tide in the national championship, an Alabama fan began printing T-shirts with the phrase “Hey Homeauxs – we just beat the hell out of you 24-10.”
Despite the incorrect score — which most us would have preferred — the shirts have become about as popular as any other politically incorrect phrase in print would to the Crimson Tide constituency. The Huffington Post, which reported on the story, has no solid sales figures for the shirt.
Individuals in both the LSU and Alabama communities have spoken out against the shirts, calling them offensive.
This is nothing to get worked up about. It is simply a young entrepreneur trying to make a quick buck. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out a cheap pun like “Homeauxs” will reach Dane Cook popularity among Sen. Rick Santorum’s Southern supporters.
It must be noted that the insult was aimed toward the LSU community as a whole, not at the LGBT community specifically. Had the latter been the case, this would be a different column entirely.
Since it was aimed at every Tiger fan, my advice is to just let it go. Who cares? If we had won 15-0, it would only have been a matter of minutes before one of our unoriginal young capitalists began printing the same shirt in purple. Only we would have gotten the score correct.
This is nothing new. People have been printing offensive shirts for decades.
In Houston, everyone knows about the football rivalry between Memorial and Stratford, two public high schools in the city. Memorial’s mascot is a mustang, which is why it only made sense for a Memorial student to design and manufacture a large batch of shirts depicting two mustangs double-teaming a Stratford cheerleader.
Naturally, they sold like hotcakes. But how couldn’t they? While traditional bestiality is deplorable and disgusting, when the animals are in charge it becomes hilarious and shirt-worthy.
The same principle applies with the “Hey
Scum of the Girth: Don’t pay mind to dumb ‘Hey Homeauxs’ T-shirts
January 23, 2012