Triclops! Founder Christian Eric Beaulieu began Anywhere as a compilative rock endeavor with The Mars Volta/At The Driv-In singer Cedric Bixler Zavala to create an eastern raga-rooted project that would echo some elements similar to those of Beaulieu’s recent solo project, Liquid Indian. With the addition of Zavala and bassist Mike Watt of Minutemen, dos, Firehouse and the recently reunited Stooges, the project took on an experimental quality in which each musician’s individual talents created a unique work of abstract, experimental, progressive rock.
Beaulieu was able to link up with The Daily Reveille through e-mail to answer a few questions about the Anywhere project, the musicians involved in it, the projects development and his own progression as a musician.
The Daily Reveille: It seems like Anywhere came together piece by piece, with Cedric Bixler Zavala, and then Mike Watt, and eventually Rachel Fannan as well. Did the production of the album happen smoothly?
Christian Beaulieu: It was piece by piece for sure, which had it’s own flavor in regards to the final record. I usually love keeping whatever I make up on the spot during recording. You know guitar weirdness, stuff I’ve never tried or rehearsed.
This record was made over a much longer period than I’ve ever experienced so I had time to hear lots of different parts. But the difference with this for me was that in was an exercise in restraint. I wanted to put walls of electric guitars on it, but the music wanted a different mood. Cedric and I wanted to make sure it was ethereal and atmospheric so it stayed mostly acoustic.
TDR: How did the creative process work among you and the other artists?
Christian: It started with Cedric and I in a room playing rhythm’s off each other and it really clicked fast. The way he hears and plays drum beats fit perfectly with my guitar tuning and since Im also a drummer, I was really inspired on a rhythmic level to wrap my parts around those beats. The after we tracked the songs we sent them to Mike. Watt asked if I could write out the chords which is something no one has ever asked me to do! So I struggled to figure out what the hell I was even playing as I cannot read music. After a while he sent his parts over the web and we picked them apart and arranged them to the songs. Rachel and Cedric’s vocals were the finishing touches.
TDR: How would you say each artists backgrounds influenced the final product of Anywhere?
Christian: Just playing naturally with zero agenda or plan kept it a true expression. I knew I wanted to make it a record, so just trying to make that happen eventually was all I had to keep me going. After all the parts started to sink in it got really inspiring. I think a really rad aspect of Anywhere is that the music forced all involved to adapt to a new feel and not rely on sonic habits of our past bands. Reverb and delay of course are always welcome.
TDR: What made you decide to go in the acoustic direction you did with Liquid Indian and then the direction you intended for in Anywhere?
Christian: A desire for new explorations fueled by heartbreak and classical music. I saw some concerts where I was reminded of the power of the solo acoustic guitar. It seemed like a vast ocean of resonance that I was scared to swim in, due to being tetherd to pedals most of the time. So I put on some floaties and waded in the waters.
TDR: What did you want to do with Anywhere that was different and new compared to your previous work in Liquid Indian?
Christian: Just have a chance to explore that style with some inspiring players that have had a huge impact on my musical taste. Ya know as Ken Kesey said take it further!
TDR: Did you have expectations for the project before getting Zavala to join? Did those expectations change with the additions of these other artists? How?
Christian: Anywhere was started by Cedric and I. He didn’t join it in motion. We got all the songs together some from stuff he had heard on the Liquid Indian record and some written with him on the kit in the moment. I never had any expectations. I was just happy to be in that moment with him. Getting Watt on board was the moist painless and epic situation ever. He’s a role model for all of us, true lifer with zero pretension. Working class hero.
TDR: What did you enjoy most about working on Anywhere?
Christian: Everything about it. It was a unique voyage.
TDR: What do you like most about the finished project? Christian: That it exists and people get to vibe out on it! And that the fine folks at ATP Records were into it enough to put it out! That’s saying alot theses days, things are getting weird out there in music land.
TDR: How would you say your past experience touring and writing with Triclops! And then your solo work in liquid Indian played a part in getting you to where you are now in your career?
Christian: When you survive your own roaring 20’s and IF you are paying attention to the universe you begin to see the patchwork of events and situations you might not have expected to have had a hand in sculpting your own big picture. Triclops! was a punk band, existing within the punk community and anyone who has ever had the fortune to become a part of their own punk family knows that family takes care of itself. We followed the same blue print the forefathers laid out for us which was work your ass off. The dudes in Triclops! are some of the best musicians I could’ve ever been lucky enough to become a band with. They pushed me into new dimensions of playing I never knew I could’ve achieved. So when you start to get into exploring your own abilities mind you this doesn’t mean technical, you usually wind up continuously shapeshifting into new styles. This mindset is key. It’s the same reason bands like Sonic Youth or The Dead survived. Always reaching, never repeating. Never pigeonholed.
TDR: What are your future plans after finishing Anywhere? Do you think you will work with any of these artists in the future?
Christian: Following the visions and hoping for more voyages with these folks and more. I certainly hope the Anywhere people will call on me for more rides on the river. ____ Contact Austen Krantz at [email protected]
Q&A with Christian Eric Beaulieu
June 26, 2012