Social networking sites have gone to the dogs and cats and other things that can’t tweet or post on their own.
More and more people are creating fake social networking pages for just fun.
Twitter is a popular medium for fake social networking pages.
For example, Twitter users can follow LSU’s Memorial Tower and receive a tweet every hour that consists of different numbers of the word “BONG,” depending on the hour.
Trace Purvis, New Media Coordinator in University relations, says the University has nothing to do with the Memorial Tower’s Twitter. He manages the University’s Facebook, two Twitter accounts, LSU and LSU news, Google Plus, Pinterest, Tumblr, Four Square, Youtube, Flickr, LinkedIn and Instagram.
He said a student or fan probably runs the account, and the tweets are all in good fun.
Other University students are also utilizing fake social media pages for that very purpose.
Dylan Vaughn, microbiology junior, said he got attention at LSU football games his freshman year, but people didn’t recognize Dylan as much as they recognized Waldo.
Vaughn said his freshman year, he decided to create a fake Facebook page for
Students create fake social networking profiles for fun
June 21, 2012