Student Government members debated the future of its constitution and voted for the powers of the Election Code at its meeting Monday night.
Lane Pace, pro tempore and meeting chair, opened the meeting by asking for public input, wherein the other members discussed their thoughts on the content of the last week’s meeting.
The first thing discussed was the limit – or lack thereof – of expenditures for elections. Without a limit, the candidates could run wild with whatever they feel is necessary to win elections, said Thomas Rodgers, director of academic affairs to SG.
Rodgers also proposed that the limit be aided by the reduction of the cost of trinkets – anything SG buys to give to students to help their party win. SG currently has a $2 limit on trinkets, which it wishes to reduce to $1.
Danielle Rushing, chief justice, advocated for the Election Board discussed at last week’s meeting to be moved to the Judicial Branch. This would be the most neutral place for it, she said.
There has not yet been an official vote for or against Rushing’s wish. It was debated, however, whether the Election Board could be put in the Judicial Branch and report to a SG advisor who would not be directly working with any branch.
The duties of the Election Board were also reincarnated from last week, then discussed and officially voted upon by the committee. As it stands, there will be no change to the SG Constitution regarding the duties of the Election Board in the Election Code. The Election Board will still have the power to disqualify or sanction candidates as well as conduct elections.
____ Contact Kristen Frank at [email protected]
Rushing advocates branch change
June 19, 2012