Throughout the year, the University offers a variety of services for students, including free flu shots, access to campus police and many more.
Even though these services are included in required fees, such as the student health fee, many students fail to take advantage of something for which they’re already paying.
According to the Student Government website, students have access to the following services:
• Equifax Credit Monitoring
• Free Scantrons and Bluebooks
• Tigerware
• Campus Transit
• LSU Notary Public
• Center for Academic Success: Tutorial Centers
• Verizon Wireless: LSU Student Discount
• LSU Police Department
• START: Student Computer Training
• Library Technology Checkout
• Career Services Resume Review and Mock Interview
• Employment on Campus
• Campus Readership Stations
• LabStats
Whether students are unaware of these services or are apathetic to their value, the fact remains that these are valuable services that are being underutilized.
One possibility to increase awareness could be to increase emails from University organizations and programs, such as Student Government, LSUPD, Campus Life, Career Services and LSU Libraries.
It is common practice these days for students to check their school email accounts multiple times per day.
“I know that I check my email multiple times a day, so emailing would be good for awareness,” said Reenie Lively, communication studies sophomore. “A lot of people don’t read University emails, but some do, and it could work.”
Although low student awareness is an issue, another possible reason for lack of participation is simply a feeling of apathy in students. Students could be exposed and aware but may not care to use these services.
Other issues include student availability and priorities. Busy students might not take time out of their days to use a service they may not need. Some students may not place high priority in student services, whether due to time management or personal preference.