The Great Trafalgar Square FreezeIn this video, thousands of volunteers crowd around London’s Trafalgar Square and stand frozen in place for a while, much to the confusion of the many everyday bystanders. You’ve heard about those Buckingham Palace guards that stand perfectly still? Here’s another national generalization for you all: the British are good at doing nothing.iBandSix hands with iPhones and a Nintendo DS create a lovely piece of ambient music. It’s charming, and while it doesn’t exactly look like the music of the future, it is an interesting look at the possibilities of new technology. And what is that Nintendo DS program with all the flippers and bouncing balls that make cool sounds? It’s like musical pinball!Tagged In MotionThis video displays one artist’s ability to paint 3D sculptures in the air using a bunch of funky controllers. Despite the high-tech nature of his art, he calls his work graffiti. I’m no graffiti artist, but if I wanted to get my message out, it’d probably look something like “RUCKUS FOR MACS, PLEASE!” or “OUTTAKES NEEDS TO BE OPEN ON WEEKENDS!”Things You Have To See To Believe: Can ManThat’s right, an environmentalist dude displays a suit made out of recycled cans. Hey, I appreciate recycling, but is this really practical? I’d rather have my cans turned into something that actually needs aluminum. The chafing with that thing must be a nightmare.
Still Hot And Streaming: YouTube classics revisited:
Miss Teen South CarolinaThis video is the classic cringe-inducer. Last September, Appalachian State’s football team shocked Michigan, but this huge burst of pride came alongside a huge wave of embarrassment. An Appalachian State student, Miss Teen South Carolina released her spiel in a beauty pageant, and it was captured on video and had YouTube users everywhere scratching their heads. Was she for real, or was it some bizarre piece of performance art? Many mysteries linger within this video, and they may forever remain unsolved on YouTube.
Hot and streaming: the best of Youtube
By James Hunter
March 3, 2008