The rapidly expanding popularity of text messaging is causing conflict between students and teachers. In a recent incident at Syracuse University in New York, a professor abruptly left his classroom after finding a student sending text messages on his cell phone. In the past week, the event sparked a discussion over the growing use of cell phones in the classroom and how professors should respond. Lawrence Thomas, philosophy and political science professor at Syracuse, stopped his March 25 lecture and walked out of the 350-person class. A single philosophy student in the front row took the blame for bringing the entire class to a screeching halt. Thomas said it was a matter of respect. “I am not going to tolerate being disrespected,” Thomas told The Daily Reveille. “There are limits on what you can do in a classroom setting and still be respectful.” The policy of leaving his classroom in the middle of a lecture is not new, and Thomas warns students at the beginning of his courses. On several occasions this semester, the professor said he ended his lecture when students were caught sending text messages or opening newspapers. Following the incident, Thomas defended his actions in an e-mail to Syracuse’s chancellor and his Philosophy 191 students. Though many students said his actions were inappropriate, the professor said he was not admonished by Syracuse. Michelle Vinsanou, education sophomore, said it is a bad policy for a teacher to leave the classroom. “I don’t think it’s fair to make a whole class suffer for the action of just one student,” Vinsanou said. Scott Lepley, psychology freshman, said although he sends text messages in some of his classes, he understands Thomas’ actions. “It’s his class, and if his policy is that you absolutely don’t text message in class, then it’s up to his discretion how he reacts,” Lepley said. Yoshinori Kamo, LSU sociology professor, thinks sending text messages during class is disrespectful, but disagrees with abandoning an entire class. “Why do other people get hurt?” Kamo said. “I don’t see the point.” Kamo, who teaches a class of 380 students, said he keeps strict control of his class. Like many other LSU professors, Kamo’s syllabus says cell phones should be turned off before every class begins. Despite the written policy, Kamo said he usually catches five or six students sending text messages each semester. “I can see a lot going on even with 380 students.” Kamo said. Instead of leaving the class altogether, Kamo singles out the offending student. Although he does not ask the student to leave, he tries to embarrass them in front of their peers, he said. Bill Grimes, LSU music professor, said he is not bothered by students sending text messages in class. “It doesn’t bother me. The only thing that bothers me is a student disrupting others or being a distraction in class,” Grimes said. “Text messaging usually doesn’t fall into that category.” Grimes, who has no teaching assistant in his 400-student jazz history class, said monitoring text messaging is impossible. “To [leave class] sends a message to the students that they are in charge of the classroom; that their rude behavior can put the instructor in a snit,” Grimes said. “In my class, a student who displays rude behavior is asked to leave my classroom.” The difference of opinion between Thomas, Kamo and Grimes is not whether sending text messages is disrespectful, but what the best way to respond to the problem is. “Walking out is the most effective thing that I can do on the spot,” Thomas wrote after the incident. “The issue is not to punish people, but to make a stand.”
—-Contact Adam Duvernay at [email protected]
Professors disagree on text messaging
April 9, 2008