Groovin’ on the Grounds took place this past Saturday, and it presented a solution to a problem that not just freshmen face, but the whole world experiences. We get stressed out and don’t enjoy life. We have things to do, places to go and the thought of stopping to smell the flowers is reduced to cliche. But that is what Groovin’ is all about. At first I was excited about going to my first Groovin’, but soon it turned into an obligation to my job when I had other things I needed to do. I showed up with a certain attitude that said I wasn’t going to have a good time. But after a little while I stopped trying to not enjoy the experience, and got into it. Groovin’ made me realize I could forget the things I had to do that night, the meetings and scheduling I had to attend to the next day – I was there then. Who doesn’t enjoy a concert? And a free one, at that. Whether I know the band or not, a live show is always fun. The weather was nice, too. To risk sounding like a Disney song, the sun was shining, a cool breeze was blowing and little squirrel friends started following me around as I sang. OK, maybe the last part is an embellishment but it might as well have happened. It was beautiful outside. Later some friends and I decided to check out some tents that were set up around the Parade Ground. One was a Rock Band competition where the winners could win all-access passes. Deciding that Wyclef, my friend and I should finally be united, we put ourselves into the mix. I’d like to report that we astounded the judges and moved bystanders to tears with our soulful performance, but that would be a bigger stretch than my squirrels line. We did have a good time, and that’s what counts. Groovin’ was a reminder to relax. It’s OK that we all have finals coming up because everybody needs a break every now and then. It’s OK to stop and smell the flowers.
—-Contact Emily McArdle at [email protected]
World needs to take big, Groovin’ chill pill
April 14, 2008