Watermelon NightsThis video features singing watermelons! The best thing in this video is the song. It is so cheesy and so poorly produced, yet the song is catchy. All the fake drums, fake guitars and Casio-quality synthesizers sound perfect for the nasally voice of the watermelon. Wait – watermelons don’t have noses. Whatever. The carved smiles of the watermelons will make you smile. The best moment? An eggplant asks a watermelon what he’s listening to. “You wouldn’t dig it, man.” This video not intended for eggplants.
Humanoid robot REEM-BYes, the robot revolution is at hand. Here is a demonstration of a robot walking and doing simple tasks. Robots are scary now that I think about it. In the future, will we have robot doctors? Robot firemen? Robot professors? No matter which way you look at it, robots are taking over, one slow, awkward step at a time.
BigDog Beta (early Big Dog quadruped robot testing)On the lighter side, there’s this highly amusing video of two people acting like a very strange, funky robot. This isn’t even real, it’s just funny, especially the part where the robot gets kicked and annoys a couple on a bench. Robots may be more efficient, but these humans are a whole lot more entertaining.
Soulja Boy Got A Hella Pimple On His Face!It’s true, millionaire rappers get pimples just like the rest of us. But this isn’t any ordinary zit. This video accompanies a guy with an LSU shirt taking a visit to the office of the legendary Cranker and discovering one HUGE pimple on his face. After the necessary harassing, the necessary surgery is performed. Yeah, it’s gross, but it also shows a human side usually hidden behind the Wite-out-painted shades. It’s also fun to watch him scream in pain during the surgery.
Still Hot And Still Streaming: Youtube Classics RevisitedAngry German KidOh yes. We all laugh at this kid, make funa of him and talk about what a terrible child he is. In reality, every single one of us wants to be this kid right now. At some point or another, everyone has wanted to vent frustration on a computer. It also takes us back to a simpler time when programs took two minutes to load. The boy also speaks German, which is good for the most of us who have a hard time understanding German, because if this video was in English, it would be really hard to watch. Instead it’s funny because to us the kid is spouting gibberish at full volume. We all want to smash a computer without Dad around to fuss at us. We all want to vent our frustrations in other ways than bite our tongue and become serial killers later in our lives. Sometimes, something needs to suffer your wrath, and if you happen to be a keyboard connected to a slow computer, that just sucks for you, now doesn’t it?
Hot and Streaming: The Best of YouTube
By James Hunter
April 19, 2008