Students returning in the fall can expect improved parking on campus.
Gary Graham, director of the Office of Parking, Traffic and Transportation, said when the fall 2008 semester begins in a few months, the University will have up to 800 new parking spaces. Patrick F. Taylor Hall lot – 50 additional spaces. Graham Hall lot – 125 additional spaces . Remote Shuttle lot – 624 additional spaces. Acadian Hall with reconfiguration – 7 additional spaces.
Several projects are planned for the summer to improve the parking situation on campus, such as paving the Acadian lot behind 459 Commons, which will be done by Industrial Enterprises.
Graham said D. Honore Construction is planning to build a new Remote Shuttle lot behind Plant Stores on Skip Bertman Drive as soon as the semester ends and the contracts are signed.
He said Lamont Construction has begun work on a temporary gravel lot next to Graham Residential College, and workers hope to get the lot open as soon as the lights are installed.
“With the exception of Graham, all the parking lots, as well as the remote shuttle and parking garage, were on the Master Parking Plan that was presented to the University several years ago as being needed after input from faculty, staff and students,” Graham said.
Parking lot X174 across from Patrick F. Taylor Hall was scheduled to be finished and open by April, but Industrial Enterprises workers will not have it ready until early June.
“Because of rain delays and changes in orders, we had to move the completion date back to June 4,” Graham said.
The Taylor Hall lot is also being fixed because it was in “complete failure” and is a main parking lot for students.
“I think it’s good that they’re re-doing the lots, especially the one across from Taylor Hall, because of all the students ready to kill for a spot,” said history junior Colin Feazell.
Bryan Burgess, sociology senior, said he’s happy the University is finally catering to the students instead of the staff and faculty.
“The minimal parking spaces and reserved lots on campus have been problems since I was a freshman,” Burgess said.
Graham said the parking lot projects on campus, other than Acadian and Graham lots, are being funded through bond issue that the parking auxiliary is planned to reimburse from parking fees.
—-Contact Louis Pelletteri III at [email protected].
Students returning in the fall can expect improved parking on campus.
May 16, 2008