DOG vs. BALLOONS (posted by kbad73)I’m not sure why the dog is so upset at the balloons. Maybe the static electricity made his fur stick up unattractively. Maybe the balloons are invading his territory in the middle of the room. Whatever the reason, this dog is pissed, and these poor latex victims are about to feel some serious wrath.Super Fast Jump Rope (posted by humantetris)Watch this average-looking Japanese girl jump rope on a game show (by the way, the Japanese have the best imagination for game shows in the world. More on that later). Her ability at this is beyond words. I can’t say “OOO L@@K @ DIS GIRL JUMP ROPE!!! IT IS SOOOOO FAST!!!!!!!!!111” because no amount of text histrionics is enough. This must be seen to believe, but watch out. Once you see it, you may never have confidence in your competence at anything ever again.Human Tetris (posted by shadowbot09)As I mentioned above, the Japanese are indeed the best game show creators. I know this is a well-known video, but I can’t resist mentioning it again. In this game, contestants bust contort themselves to the shape of a hole in the wall that advances toward the contestant. If they fail, they are knocked into a pit of water. This is a perfect game show because it is entertaining both when the contestants succeed and when the contestants fail. Don’t forget to check out the related videos bar to find more Human Tetris gold.
Dan Breen’s / Ballyogan (posted by TinWhistler)Currently featured on Youtube is this charming duet of a long Celtic tin whistle and a guitar. I love the sound of the tin whistle, and the whistler has outstanding skill at his instrument. This combined with the percussion and rhythmic strumming of the acoustic guitar makes for some soothing, interesting, and cool music. Check out TinWhistler’s other videos for more awesomeness.
Hot And Streaming revisits the classics
Dramatic Chipmunk (posted by cregets)Oh yes. Here it is, folks. This ain’t a chipmunk, and it ain’t a squirrel either. It’s actually a prairie dog, but no matter. This diamond is actually a small 5-second clip of some random video taken out of context and replaced by a bombastic music clip. It’s random. It’s pointless. It’s perfection. Many have seen it (the video has over 5 million hits) but for those who haven’t, do it. Five seconds out of your time will make your day any day. It never fails to raise a smile even after the thousandth viewing. This is Youtube at its very finest.
Hot and streaming: the best of YouTube
By James Hunter
February 11, 2008