Climate change is a phrase that seems to be popping up everywhere, especially in relation to North Carolina’s current drought situation.
But in addition to receding sea levels and melting ice caps, the climate – or general acceptance, which is changing on campus for students in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities, according to Kim Bell, a senior in anthropology.
She said the opening of the GLBT Center in Talley Student Center will be instrumental in the continuing climate change on campus.
“This is the best year yet,” Bell said
“The climate has improved every year, and the publicity around the GLBT center has made it better.”
She said the opening of the center will help promote acceptance and diversity on campus.
“It’s about time for the center. I think it will help the diversity on campus from here on out,” said Bell.
Ben Johnson, a web master for AEGIS — Accepting and Embracing Gender Identity and Sexuality — said students on campus seem to be receptive.
“N.C. State is pretty accepting,” Johnson said, “I haven’t felt that much discrimination at all.”
But this acceptance may not be widely perceived. Patrick White, a sophomore in chemistry, said while the center is a positive thing for N.C. State’s campus, he hopes it will aid in broadening the minds of students who are currently not receptive to the GLBT community.
“Before the center, the University had done a great job as an administration in accepting GLBT students, but the student body as a whole had a really negative attitude,” he said.
Jonathan Merlini, a junior in mathematical sciences, and the co-president of Accepting and Embracing Gender Identity and Sexuality, said the center will be a tool for raising awareness.
“I think it’s definitely had a positive impact by bringing up that there’s a need for something like this, it helps the campus see that there is a problem that needs to be addressed,” Merlini said.
And along with awareness, Victor Castillo, a freshman in landscape architecture, said the center may provide confidence to students.
“I think the center will help relieve tensions and unmentioned things for anyone that’s not out with it or keeping to themselves,” Castillo said.
Campus resources:
Coffee Talk
Thursdays, 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Coffee Talk is a four-year-old program that meets once a week in Talley Student Center room 3121. Coffee Talk is cosponsored by the Counseling Center, Accepting and Embracing Gender Identity and Sexuality and The Women’s Center. Along with free food, Coffee Talk offers a relaxed atmosphere where conversations range can range from movies to classes. Coffee Talk prides itself on being a safe social space where anyone can come and hang out.
AEGIS is an organization that promotes Accepting and Embracing Gender Identity and Sexuality for (GLBT) gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender students.
Web site:
Phone Number: 919-512-9458
GLBT Center
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Center offers support to everyone no matter their gender or sexual orientation.
Location: The first floor of Talley Student Center within the University Theatre office.
The Counseling Center
Location: The second floor of the Student Health Center
Web site:
Phone Number: 919-515-2423Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
All services are free and confidential.