The Daily Reveille has learned Tiger Manor Condominiums’ advertising agreement to be a Tiger Partner has been terminated by CBS Collegiate Sports Properties.
Tiger Manor co-owner Glenn Stewart said he received a Feb. 6 letter from CBSCSP Senior Vice President and General Counsel David Posy during the morning Feb. 12 serving “as a notice of termination” of his sponsorship of LSU athletics.
The letter cites advertisements run by Tiger Manor in The Advocate on Jan. 2, Feb. 2 and Feb. 3 for displaying the “tiger partner mark” and the “official condominium of LSU athletics designation” in violation of the agreement.
Stewart said he does not believe his use of the trademark is against the agreement. He said he has communicated with Posy for clarification about what portions of the agreement are in violation.
Stewart said he received no previous contact concerning the violations of the agreement. He said he pays approximately $180,000 annually for the sponsorship.
Stewart said he believes the decision to revoke his Tiger Partnerstatus is because of several advertisements recently run in both The Advocate and The Daily Reveille commentating politically on the ousting of former Chancellor Sean O’Keefe by the Board of Supervisors and System President John Lombardi.
Stewart said he placed the advertisements to show his displeasure with the manner in which information surrounding O’Keefe’s resignation has been handled. He said the System owes the University community more of an explanation behind O’Keefe’s departure. He said he hoped his advertisements would pressure the System to release such information.
Calls to LSU Sports Properties and University spokespersons concerning the sponsorships termination were not immediate returned.
LSU Sports Properties is a division of CBS Collegiate Sports Properties.
See Thursday’s print edition of The Daily Reveille for more information.
LSU Sports Properties cuts Tiger Manor as sponsor — 2:10 p.m.
February 13, 2008