If I’m wrong about my view of religion, I’m screwed. I was never raised in the church, but this outsider’s perspective led me to believe not as much in an almighty God as in spirits. I believe with all of my heart in the spirits continuously roaming around the tattered remains of what they once called Earth. They would be “almightily” upset about what’s happening today. See what I did there? The richest, most powerful nation on the planet won’t give tax relief to its poor citizens – at the same time as they wage war with upwards of $3 trillion to $4 trillion dollars of America’s money. The government didn’t just steal five billion sets of Monopoly money. This is real money being contributed to fund real death halfway around the world. Combine this with fighting all over the planet, no cure for AIDS – unless you have Magic Johnson’s money – and a climate crisis killing off the polar bears and penguins along with real people. A certain “savior” needs to come back to set the planet straight. If you’re a Christian who happens to believe the ancient Mayans, you have a specific date in mind for the return of the Jesus. December 21, 2012. We’ve got less than five years left, according to this date. The next half decade will spark a massive religious upheaval, as most of the major religions will continue their shameless recruiting for members petrified of damnation, though unsure of the true pathway to God. Most will argue their own faith is the one true religion, but the hypocrisy with which they recruit is in dire need of examination.All my life, I’ve understood one of two alleged “facts” – either God is vengeful and worthy of submission, or he/she is loving and good-natured, making him/her worthy of blind allegiance. If this comes off as overly cynical and blind to the ways of the good, consider me guilty as charged. There are more than 10,000 religions out there – all of which claim to be the “correct” religion. To which should I submit my eternal soul? After almost 2,000 years of existence, Christianity has contradicted itself many times. As the human species has evolved – yes, evolved – events such as the Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment and the Renaissance have forced the Church to readapt its teachings. It’s no longer acceptable to force women and minorities into submission. Unfortunately, this has been Christianity’s modus operandi for years upon years. After all, what alleged Christian would argue with teachings from their own book? In 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – shout out to the New Testament – it’s clearly written that “holy men” may do as they wish with the word of God. I’m not making this up: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” Ask Pat Robertson and Robert Tilton if the scripture has been profitable. This message becomes increasingly unclear if coupled with Galatians 1:8-9, a point so rigid it must be made twice: “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Someone get me some Aleve. Religion is confusing. Most of them claim that their path is the one true path, and it’s not enough to believe it. They know. They know Jesus is coming back. They know homosexuality is an abomination. They know women must be held subservient to their master husbands. They know “we didn’t come from monkeys!” They also know I should not exist, as my father and mother, of opposing races, would never be allowed to procreate. No one knows: that’s why it’s called “faith.” No one knows what will happen after we die. We’re all scared – at least I am – but I’m ready to find out the truth. So, religions of the world, I leave it to you. Convince me that yours is the correct religion. And don’t give me the same tired “every religion is a pathway to God” nonsense. It’s taken enough already for me to think of religion as something other than a well-told story meant to control people and keep them from rising up in this world, claiming their fortunes will be ever-present in heaven. While you’re worrying about whether the quickie you got this weekend will keep you out of heaven, I’ll be taking a walk outside, enjoying the Earth your God allegedly created. I hope you enjoy it now, because if the Mayans were right, we’re all screwed.
—-Contact Eric Freeman Jr. at [email protected]
Serious crisis of faith conflicts confused student
February 25, 2008