I’ve been a registered Republican ever since I first signed up to vote at 18. But this year I might be tempted to vote democrat.No, it’s not because Sen. Barack Obama is change I can believe in. It’s because if the McCain-Palin ticket loses, there is a chance vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin will get her own television show.I feel this is something the world needs — so much so that I am willing to put my political ideals aside and vote purely for my entertainment joy.I may not agree with Obama’s positions on health care or foreign policy, but by God I need Sarah Palin TV.Who cares if the Anchorage Daily News endorsed Obama? The United States of America endorses Sarah Palin. Just check out the ratings her appearances on “Saturday Night Live” and “CBS Evening News” garnered. Just look at the viewership of the vice presidential debate which far outstripped the eyeballs tuned to the presidential debates.It doesn’t take a TV hot shot to realize Palin is television gold.She’s like a combination of Oprah and Ann Coulter with just a dash of Tyra Banks. Add in some Rachael Ray for peppiness, and you’ve got the most comprehensive daytime talk show ever.Palin was glib when questioned about the talk show rumors by Entertainment Tonight’s Mary Hart.”I don’t know about the talk show host idea so much,” Palin said in an interview with Hart, “But really, Mary, what I am focused on is between now and November 4.”Television insiders think a Palin fronted television show would be a sure thing.Former CEO of the Walt Disney Company Michael Eisner expressed his confidence in Palin at a conference in New York this October.”Mass audiences are still possible,” Eisner said. “If I were at ABC, I’d sign up Palin and put her on a show the day after she loses the election. With that wink, she can go a long way.”I would have to agree with Eisner.Forget Obama’s lack of experience. I’ll take it if that means I can have a Palin power hour.She could join forces with another dejected White House hopeful, Mike Huckabee. They could have the Huck and Sarah Variety Show, homage to the great days of ‘70s Variety TV like “Sonny and Cher” or “Donny and Marie.”I can picture the two of them rolling out on roller skates, Huck in bell bottoms and Palin in a Bob Mackie dress. They could sing, dance, act and Huck could pull out his bass guitar or play a game of air hockey with frequent guest star Steven Colbert.They could even have a two-hour Christmas special that would undoubtedly rake in the viewers to see Palin play goalie against the New York Rangers.Or maybe a reality show would be more her speed.With all the interest in Palin’s family, I’m sure a weekly peek into their lives would be a success.Palin could be a role model to the working mother demographic. Teen mother Bristol would no doubt provide drama, and youngest daughter Piper could provide a Rudy Huxtable type comic relief. Special needs baby Trig could be the source of a heart-warming episode on understanding people who are different from yourself. Patriarch Todd Palin could offer words of wisdom at the close of every show in true Mike Brady fashion.Not to mention oldest child Track Palin, who Perez Hilton has referred to as “damn hot,” would surely be a heartthrob for the pre-teen girl market.The Palins would have something for everyone.I think some sort of outdoor wilderness show would suit Palin. If she could somehow combine daytime talk and moose hunting, I think we’d have a real hit on our hands.If all else fails, they could at least put her on “The View.” If the rumors of Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s move to Fox News are correct, they’ll be in need of a conservative voice. I can just imagine her talking about something little Piper did as Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg look on in horror.Imagine the potential feud with Barbara Walters. It would be the greatest thing since the Rosie O’Donnell feud with Donald Trump.So my fellow Americans, I charge you not to vote based on the issues but on what’s best for America.Forget about Bill Ayers, the Keating Five, the housing crisis, the failing economy, global warming, abortion issues and the War in Iraq. Instead think about next fall’s TV line up.Obama might drive this country into the ground or he might not. It really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we the people of the United States of America present a united front and demand more Palin in our lives.Because let’s face it, sometimes you really can’t have too much of a good thing.—-Contact Caitlyn Scott at [email protected]
Sunshine and puppies: Palin television show has obvious entertainment value
November 3, 2008