WASHINGTON (AP) — President-elect Barack Obama pivoted quickly to begin filling out his new administration on Wednesday, selecting hard-charging Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel as White House chief of staff while aides stepped up the pace of transition work that had been cloaked in pre-election secrecy. Several Democrats confirmed that Emanuel had been offered the job. While it was not clear he had accepted, a rejection would amount to an unlikely public snub of the new president-elect within hours of an electoral college landslide. With hundreds of jobs to fill and only 10 weeks until Inauguration Day, Obama and his transition team confronted a formidable task complicated by his anti-lobbyist campaign rhetoric.—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s news staff at [email protected]
Obama picks Emanuel chief of WH staff
November 6, 2008
Rep. Rahm Emanuel huddles with then-Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama on June 6, 2008.