David Heidke, LSU Dining director, said LSU Dining is having a substantial increase in the amount of transactions this semester.Campus dining had an increase of 58,000 transactions in a six-week period during fall 2008 compared with the same time frame last fall. Heidke said 152,046 transactions were made in the six-week period last fall that ended Oct. 23. During that time period this fall, 210,887 transactions were made. “Our growth in transactions is 15,000 a week,” he said. Heidke said he thinks there are two possible reasons for the increase — the dining staff is either continuing to do a better job in serving students, or students are eating on campus to save money rather than driving off campus and spending more money. Heidke said the new option of paying with a debit or credit card does not affect the increase in numbers because that new option was only in place for two weeks during the six-week time period examined. Ronald Niedrich, adviser for the Department of Marketing, said transactions are up 40 percent.Niedrich said students adjusting their eating habits because of the economic problems could be one possible factor for the increase, but there are likely many reasons for the change. Karlie Browning, political science senior, said she used to bring food to campus but now has to buy her lunch because she is too busy. Browning said she and her sister share lunch in Tiger Lair every day to save money. “Incoming freshmen probably affect [transactions] … and a change in demographics,” Niedrich said. The University’s records show a 10 percent increase in freshmen from fall 2007 to fall 2008, along with a 10 percent increase in out-of-state students.Heidke said there are about 800 new students who signed up for meal plans and only about half were freshmen. Niedrich said freshmen may eat more often on campus because it’s more convenient, and they don’t know their off-campus dining options, especially out-of-state freshmen.Gilde Renter, Tiger Lair supervisor, said there seems to be more students eating in the Student Union this year compared with last year. The dining area’s hours could be another factor, Niedrich said. Highland Dining Hall and the Pentagon Dining Hall were open last fall along with Tiger Lair, and this fall Highland Dining and the 459 Commons are open, Heidke said. One difference is also the Outtakes at 459 Commons is open later than the other dining halls — 9 a.m. to 3 a.m., Monday through Thursday, Heidke said. Without 459 Commons in the equation, dining is still up 32,354 transitions compared to last fall, Heidke said. Randle Raggio, marketing professor, said more home football games could affect the numbers. Last fall there were seven home games compared with eight home games this fall. —-Contact Joy Lukachick at [email protected]
Transactions increase 40 percent
November 10, 2008