Obama’s success rate ‘zero’Many of the opinions are that Obama will not destroy the country, that he will ultimately legislate from a centrist position. However if you look at the probabilities there is no reason to think he will. What does he know about running a business, zero. What does he know about making a profit so he can pay employees, zero. What does he know about the American economy, zero. What does he know about the military, zero, What does he know about supplying soldiers with the best equipment so they don’t get killed, zero. What does he know about sending young men and women into combat, zero. So what is the probability that Obama will be successful? ZERO. Just a little thought and you can see how the Obama administration will end in disaster. I remember the Jimmy Carter Presidency. I remember when funding for the military was diverted to welfare programs. I remember when there was no ammunition for guns, when most fighter planes and tanks where broken and non-functional. When Obama does the same, what do you think the Captains, Majors and mostly Sergeants, the boots on the ground leaders, will do? Do you think they will just lead our sons and daughters into Obama suicide missions? They will bail out of the military! Can you say the “D” word? DRAFT! I can hear it now from President Obama “The military is under-represented by kids of parents that make over $200,000 a year. We will therefore correct this injustice in the Draft. No civilized country on Earth can allow the genocide in Eastern Africa. I am therefore sending a expeditionary force of rich kids to Somilia in order to bring Freedom to this area of the World.” This scenario is just as probable as Obama being successful. Harold Daigle Jr.biological science grad studentStudent wishes for grass to walk onThere are some things in life that are questionably treasured. My high school, for example, strictly prevented students from walking on the grass.Yeah.But the days of rebellious walking through highly-manicured chlorophyll-ed blades when the disciplinarian had his back turned were forgotten as I started at LSU. And recently I realized why I had forgotten such a thing, and why our University’s campus just looks so bizarre.There’s no grass.Seriously, what’s with all the dirt and tree bark mulch? In fact, what’s with the rest of the landscaping? Our campus is covered in overgrown bushes and monkey grass, yet you won’t find actual purple or gold flowers anywhere. Our Alma Mater explains “stately oaks and broad magnolias shade inspiring halls” but we also happen to have palm trees, anorexic trees, and those diseased-looking trees you see in the Quad. I’m not a dendrologist so whatever they’re called I don’t care. These trees, and the apparent oppression of greenery by brown and gray favored foundations, are a major problem. Physiological effects of these colors, such as relief and tranquility derived from bright greens or a sense of death and decay derived from grays and dark greens, can majorly impact the lives of students. Now, I know heavy shade from trees prevents grass from obtaining necessary sunlight, and I know foot-traffic tends to kill everything, and I know there aren’t enough lawn-mowing jobs available to meet demand. So it’s time for something radical.Grab onto your ankles LSU, I’m your new eco-terrorist.With the help of my good friend Jack Daniels and a few dozen bags of Patch Perfect grass, I will terraform this bare and lackluster campus into the lush, radioactive-green colored landscape I deserve to walk on. I’m ripping out trees and throwing down seeds. And even a few purple and gold colored flowers. I’m not a botanist so whatever they’re called I don’t care. The Patch Perfect grass commercial has taught me that the world is my Chia pet, and I don’t even need sunlight. So beware LSU, cause in 7-14 days you could be walking on grassy steps to the Union.I mean, have you seen the commercial? That shit grows on concrete!Stephen Martinezeconomics senior—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the Editor, 11/14
November 13, 2008