Halloween may have passed, but don’t throw out your vampire teeth just yet.For some reason, vampires have become quite the craze.And in two weeks, with the premiere of “Twilight,” vampires are going to be hotter than ever.The fourth and final installment of the “Twilight” series, “Breaking Dawn,” sold 1.3 million copies its first day in August.That’s like a “Harry Potter” record.Some women have become so obsessed with “Twilight,” they’ve quit their jobs to sell homemade T-shirts and jewelry inspired by the books, according to Entertainment Weekly.I’m not sure why so many people are just now boarding the vampire bandwagon, considering vampires have been around a long time.And when I say long time, I don’t mean “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” or “Interview with the Vampire,” which came out in the ’90s.I mean 1897 was when Bram Stoker’s classic “Dracula” was first published.Once the book became the foundation for the silent vampire film “Nosferatu, eine Symphonie des Grauens” in 1922, our infatuation with these creatures of the night began.While I realize vampires’ place in pop culture is not new, it seems that this past year they have become the greatest thing since sliced bread.Vampires led Rolling Stone’s top 10 trends list this summer.Eric Nuzum, author of “The Dead Travel Fast: Stalking Vampires From Nosferatu to Count Chocula,” told Rolling Stone, “In pop culture, vampires are like cockroaches. They’ve always been around, and once you notice them, they’re everywhere.”And that seems to be quite true.Ever since “30 Days of Night” came out nearly a year ago, vampires have been popping up everywhere.Guillermo del Toro, the man behind “Hellboy” and “Pan’s Labyrinth,” recently sold a vampire trilogy to HarperCollins Publishers.We also have “True Blood,” the HBO television series which I previously criticized in one of my columns but am now addicted to.I don’t know what it is that keeps me hooked. Because it sure as hell isn’t their accents.And it’s definitely not their names. I mean, Bill? What kind of vampire name is that when you have a precedent like Lestat?Maybe it’s because I’ve always had a place for vampires in my heart.It all started with “Interview with the Vampire.”What I wouldn’t do to be Kirsten Dunst, curled up beside that pasty Brad Pitt in his coffin.I think even back then I had a slight crush on Tom Cruise, but that has long since passed.And who could resist Antonio Banderas with his long, sleek black hair and that Spanish accent?It’s probably a good thing I never read all of Anne Rice’s books because I would probably have attempted to become a vampire by now.After that movie, I became a true fan of the fang.I watched “The Lost Boys,” which has to be one of my favorite movies.Not only because Jason Patric makes one hell of a sexy vampire and Kiefer Sutherland rocks a fierce hydrogen peroxide Mohawk, but because the Coreys were in their prime in this movie.And every time “Dracula” comes on television, I watch it. And I am oddly more attracted to Gary Oldman as Count Dracula than to Keanu Reeves, which I’m pretty sure is not normal.I then gave Buffy a chance, and sat down one fall Saturday afternoon my freshman year of high school and watched an eight-hour marathon of the show.And I couldn’t help but lust for Angel. And even Spike.But I can proudly say I have not given in to “Twilight.” Yet.I have to admit, those trailers are tempting, and as usual, I’m a little attracted to the white-faced, bloody-fanged vampires.But I refuse to fall deeper into this vampire empire.However, I have feeling I will not be able to resist its advances much longer.Because I’d let James suck my blood.And I’d definitely invite Edward Cullen into my house.So I may just have to succumb to Ms. Meyer’s cheesy vampire saga, because “True Blood” only has three episodes left. And I’m going to have to get my V fix somewhere else.- – – -Contact Drew Belle Zerby at [email protected]
My Opinion: Vampires become recent trend
November 6, 2008