History was made Tuesday night. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know Barack Obama was elected as the first African-American president in U.S. history.And if you have Facebook, you probably knew how your friends and acquaintances felt about the historic moment thanks to their Facebook statuses.I’m fairly certain a vast majority of University students supported John McCain for president. I would expect nothing less from such a conservative campus in a largely conservative state.But some of the statuses blew my mind.Racism, bigotry, prejudice — all these emotions were reflected through the words students typed on their computer screens.It’s perfectly OK to dislike Obama because of his policies proposals, his stance on different positions or because you think he’s too inexperienced to be president.It’s fine to think McCain would have been a better commander in chief because of his vast experience in Washington D.C., and “change” isn’t what this country needs at this point in time.But it’s absolutely ridiculous to dislike Obama based on his skin color.As I glanced through Facebook statuses minutes after media outlets called the election, a couple particularly stuck in my mind. One status read “Obama ‘08, Biden ‘09.” Another said “If 10 [n-words] can’t run a McDonalds, how can one run a country?”Seeing people hope the president-elect is assassinated left me speechless.But not all the offensive statuses were anti-Obama. Some were actually praising the president-elect, albeit in a way that completely minimized what Obama has accomplished.One said something to the effect of black people not getting 40 acres and a mule, so we took 50 states and the White House.Whether negative of positive, actions like these are childish.Nothing is wrong with supporting the candidate of your choice. But do it for the right reasons.Don’t hate a candidate solely because of his race. And don’t love a candidate for that reason.It’s tough to say that because of the history surrounding Obama’s victory. But when the smoke clears in a few weeks, Obama’s race won’t mean a thing.—-Contact Tyler Batiste at [email protected]
The Dark Knight: Facebook statuses were ridiculous
November 9, 2008