Every once and a while an invention so profound and life changing comes along that the world is forced to sit up and take notice.Henry Ford’s affordable Model T, the personal home computer and Velcro come to mind.These consumer products were of such a nature that they would change our lives and move us forward as a society — but none of them could naturally enhance your bust line.Ladies and gentlemen, I submit Latavi for your approval — the next life-changing consumer product.And it’s a product with a message.October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and Latavi does its part to help out. The company certainly keeps the world aware of breasts. Their television spots show girls bouncing around in bikini tops talking about how confident their assets make them feel.October also encourages women to be aware of their own bodies. Latavi is sure to do this, needling consumers’ minds and telling them they would be happier and more fulfilled with bigger breasts.Do you ever feel the urge to jump up and down on a trampoline, run down a beach in slow motion or engage in a pillow fight? If so, Latavi could be right for you.You may have heard their radio ad or seen their commercial on late night television promising the “sexy, attention getting figure you’ve always wanted.”It’s an all natural breast enhancement cream and pill. You simply take the pills twice a day and apply the cream once a day. Before you know it, you’ve got the body you always dreamed of.I imagine the cream must attract breast enhancement fairies who sprinkle you with magic dust in your sleep. It’s the only explanation for Latavi’s success.Want proof? Just take Jessie’s testimonial.”I look sexier and I love the looks I get from guys thanks to Latavi,” she said via their Web site.Sadly there were no before and after pictures to prove her dramatic results.Chris’ testimonial was even more dramatic. Apparently Latavi has caused her skin to clear up, her eyelashes to grow longer and she even sleeps better because of the product. Chris said Latavi has given her more energy, and she’s started playing basketball.This could very well be the wonder drug we’ve been waiting for. A side effect might be that it cures cancer or causes delusional behavior in people like Chris.Now I’ve heard some pretty cheesy radio and television advertisements in my day, but Latavi takes the cake. Even the fake reporters on the Extenze commercials seem more valid than the Latavi testimonials.So what inspires a person to purchase natural enhancements off the television? Has our culture become so obsessed with the physical that people will buy and use any product to attain perfection?Of course they have.The breast enhancement business has become a billion dollar industry encompassing surgery, creams, pills and even a strange system of suction tubes that I don’t quite understand.With all the emphasis put on outward appearance, many women feel validated by improving their looks. But you can’t go from Keira Knightley to Scarlett Johansson overnight — it takes time and money.But Latavi isn’t invasive or expensive like cosmetic surgery. It’s simply a daily pill.Of course that means it doesn’t work.According to BreastOptions.com, a Web site doling out breast enlargement information, Latavi had no physical effect on their testers when taken as directed.Not only does the product not work, they also rip you off.According to RipoffReport.com, an unwilling consumer who called the Latavi number for a free sample of the product ended up being charged for several other offers.It might not improve your looks, but for a mere $89.95 a month you can have a jar of goop, a bottle of pills and a keen awareness of the failings of your own body.Now don’t get me wrong. I am just as gullible as the average American consumer. I will buy virtually anything Billy Mays peddles. But I limit myself with house cleaning wares and garlic dicers.No one ever developed a rash from using a Shamwow.Who knows what kind of side effects something like Latavi could have? The Web site claims there are absolutely no side effects, but the Web site also claims that the product will make your breasts bigger, so they haven’t proven to be the most reliable source.Despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I still believe Latavi is a useful tool that should be utilized by University women.Even if Latavi doesn’t give you larger breasts, it provides hope to women everywhere. There is that remote chance that maybe, someday, Latavi will kick in. This hope alone will give women the confidence to carry themselves with poise.Because the last thing this University needs is a population of women who feel flat and unattractive.—-Contact Caitlyn Stuart at [email protected]
Latavi calls attention to breast cancer awareness
October 20, 2008