Vehicles should obey the law, stop at all crosswalksI’m writing to inform Mr. Robertson, LSU, and whatever “agencies” are involved in these crosswalk signs. In regard to the crosswalk near the Union, I advise you to look up Revised Statute 32:212A of Louisiana Law. It deems that in any crosswalk, not at a traffic signal, the pedestrians always have the right of way and vehicles must yield to them, not the reverse.Being on both sides of the scenario almost daily, I have no problem walking in front of anything on wheels in a crosswalk. If they have to stop for me, oh pity, they have to follow the state law, it is such a tragedy. If I am struck, even the most inexperienced lawyer and most obnoxious court would not put me at fault.On the other hand, I have no problem stopping for any pedestrians in a crosswalk, no matter the number or pace, and I dare anybody to try to tell me differently. I don’t care if the chancellor, president, world leader, or, God forbid, a bus is behind me. I will wait as long as is necessary before I pull through to wait in traffic just a fraction of a mile further down the road.The law is the law. I could make a sign that says “Legal drinking age now 18 on this street.” That doesn’t mean it’s legal. The state grants some power to local municipalities and townships, but the control over negating the purpose of those white-dashed lines is not one of them.Stephen Treeseanimal sciences seniorFair-weather fans are a disgrace to the UniversityI am a senior here at LSU, and I would like to express my frustration and anger toward the University Students.My comment is directed toward those who left at 3 minutes left in the 3rd quarter and gave up on our team.For those who left during this time, turn in your fair weather cards, you are no true Tiger fan. Do not come back. Give your tickets to someone who cares. Do you all not remember the ‘90s?I’m sure some of you band-wagoners got to go to the BCS National Championship Game. Well I haven’t missed a LSU game in Tiger Stadium since I have been here and didn’t even get to go to the national title contention last year. I am amazed at how you forget about the many comebacks we have in LSU history. Blue Grass miracle? Ole Miss in ‘06? Tennessee in ‘06? Florida ‘07? Auburn ‘07 and ‘05? Oregon State ‘04? The Earthquake Game? Alabama ‘07? My, how you forget so quickly.This affects recruiting to an extent. During this time the recruits know the depth charts; they know the facilities and the coaches. What they don’t know is the atmosphere and the fans. They learn this by taking their formal or informal visits. Thanks for making us look like a bunch of cowards with our tails between our legs.Leaving early during a blow out in the 4th is one thing; leaving down 14 points going in the 4th is another.Also, to those disrespectful students who continue to ruin our cheers: How hard is it to not say “you suck” after “oh wee oh?” That is not even the most frustrating part, though. Why would you ruin a classic like Hey Baby by inserting “bitch” instead of “girl”? The band should not play oh wee oh for the Tulane game because our chance is going to go up in smoke because of you kids.So please cash in your fair weather cards and jump off the band-wagon. Its been nice knowing you.Chase Emerickgeneral studies seniorTop 10 Mon. morning signs the Tigers lost Sat.10. The Tigers and the Saints are mentioned in the same sentence.9. Raising Cane billboards have anti-Miles graffiti.8. The athletic office is scrambling to get a hold of Bo Pellini.7. Students don’t want to hear what happened after they blacked out.6. Great excitement is shown for the opening of basketball season.5. Game-day interest drops faster than the Dow.4. The Parade Grounds are clean.3. Jefferson isn’t just a president.2. The game coverage only takes up two-thirds of The Reveille’s front page.1. The LSU fight song is replaced by the 23rd Psalm.MC 2010 class—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the editor, 10/30
October 30, 2008