Brake tag column not good contentI consider myself to be a man of routine. When I wake up there is nothing more refreshing than a good old SSS cycle. However, today was different. Yes, I initiated the SSS, but after the first step, I was in no mood to continue. As I dropped trow and began to get used to the cold toilet seat, I noticed something. I was out of toilet paper. I didn’t know what to do. I looked on the floor, and there was The Daily Reveille. Usually, I have respect for the paper, but when I read Tyler Batiste’s column on New Orleanians’ vocabulary, it all went down the drain (no pun intended). Even though I am a New Orleans native, I wasn’t all that offended by it. It’s just that the column was garbage. As far as content goes, I felt like this could have been used as an aspiring editorialist’s guide to failure. I guess it could’ve also been used to cover your table at a crawfish boil, but who wants to keep this trash around for another four months? Me, I used it to wipe my ass, but even then it wasn’t very good.Basically, the article didn’t do anybody any good. Now if you wrote it to illicit a response from readers then that’s one thing. But in regards to a readership, you have to have one to lose one. There was just no deep thought put into anything you wrote about in the column, aside from a few historical facts that you found on Wikipedia. Come on, Tyler, you’re smarter than that.Cullen Wheatleymass communication juniorOffense not to blame for lossIn Jay St. Pierre’s article Tuesday, he blamed quarterback Jarrett Lee and the offense for the loss. While he brings up valid points, I have to disagree.True, Lee did throw some inaccurate passes. And true, it did affect offensive coordinator Gary Crowton’s playcalling. But, that was not the whole game.Did Jay spend half of the game in the bathroom? Or did he just selectively forget the trauma that occurred? Anyway, if he didn’t know, Florida scored 51 points. 51! If John Elway was LSU’s starting quarterback, they still wouldn’t have won. You can’t give up 51 and blame it on the offense. LSU’s vaunted defense gave up 475 yards of total offense, 265 of them on the ground. Tell me that’s not a weakness.The defense never made the critical stops. The only good part of the game was the offense. Lee engineered an impressive drive right before the half to make it 20-7. Then, thanks to receiving the ball out of halftime, he led LSU to another touchdown to make the game within reach at 20-14. Unfortunately, the defense retook the field after this, allowing 31 crippling points in the second half.So you’re saying the offense was exposed? Pshhhhhh. I beg to differ.Chris Branchmass communication freshman—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letters to the editor, 10/15
October 15, 2008