Ladies and gentlemen, I have officially been Bushwhacked.That’s right. I, a “latte-sipping liberal,” have witnessed the ultimate Bushism — Oliver Stone’s “W.” And the truth is, I didn’t hate it.It looks like I may have “misunderestimated” ole George Dubya, and apparently so did several others.The film grossed $10,505,668, last weekend, which isn’t half bad considering how unpopular Bush is.After writing a column last semester voicing my concerns about the film, I felt obligated to write a follow-up answering any questions I had and even rebutting, if necessary, my own predispositions.”W.” actually does a respectable job of depicting the life of the president and his constant struggle to live up to his father’s standards and to not end up a spoiled little rich boy chugging beer at his family’s ranch.The character portrayals are also dead-on.Who knew the angry teenage boy who jacked a little girl’s pink bike with training wheels in “The Goonies” could grow up to portray the 43rd president of the United States of America?At one point I could have sworn I saw and heard Bush himself standing up at a press conference stuttering to answer the question of what the biggest mistake of his presidency has been.Richard Dreyfuss does a better job of playing Dick Cheney than Dick Cheney.And Elizabeth Banks’ Laura Bush coif couldn’t have been more fabulous.Much to my surprise, the movie was not a complete mockery of George W.Sure, his infamous grammatical errors and misquoting were thrown about here and there, but they weren’t the core of the movie.And most of these jabs were subtle. The audience occasionally caught on, but I’m pretty sure I was the only one who laughed when George H.W. Bush told his son, “One Bush at a time” in reference to two of his sons running for office.Maybe the comment wasn’t meant to be sexual, but you could have fooled me.The audience seemed to have gotten the biggest kick out of seeing a clip from a 2002 LSU football game, but I guess that’s to be expected.In response to a letter to the editor submitted last semester concerning my column, I admit I will have to agree with the writer — the “presidential biopic has purpose.”And that purpose is to show that despite Bush’s mispronunciations and not too savvy leadership skills, he’s just one of us.He’s one of the guys you “want to have a beer with.”He’s been a binge drinker and law offender.He picks food out of his teeth and loves spending time with his dogs.He has nicknames for his buddies such as “Turd Blossom” and “Rummy.”Although the film succeeded in capturing the essence of Bush living in the shadow of his father and gained some sympathy from a lefty, it still needed some sprucing, considering the film was completed in 46 days.The baseball fantasies could have been less cheesy.The flashbacks between the White House Years and the Frat and Jail House Years could have flowed better.And Condoleezza Rice’s gap could have been a bit wider.And just like Bush’s term, the end couldn’t come soon enough.—-Contact Drew Belle Zerby at [email protected]
I have officially been Bush-whacked
October 22, 2008