WASHINGTON (AP) — As Election Day nears, memories of the 2000 contest remind Americans that polling-place foul-ups and close races in key states can send them to bed not knowing who their next president will be. The odds don’t favor a repeat of that imbroglio, in this election or any other. But several possible nightmare scenarios could deliver bitter controversy and confusion on Nov. 4 rather than a quick and clean election of President Bush’s successor. Perhaps the most stunning result would be an electoral college tie, which would require members of the next House to select the winner. It’s not likely, but certainly possible. If Barack Obama carries every state that Democrat John Kerry won in 2004, plus Iowa, New Mexico and Nevada, then he and John McCain each would have 269 electoral votes. A tie also would result if McCain takes New Hampshire from the Democrats’ column but loses Iowa, New Mexico and another state that Bush won, Colorado. Both scenarios are conceivable, though hardly probable.—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s news staff at [email protected]
Mischief could lead to long election night
October 23, 2008