There’s no questioning students’ creativity these days.From class projects to cheating methods, students are always showcasing non-conventional ways of accomplishing their goals, and sneaking alcohol in Tiger Stadium is no exception. Anywhere from 20 to 30 students are usually caught with alcohol when trying to enter the stadium gates on Saturdays, said Eric Norman, Student Advocacy and Accountability director.And Norman said he has seen a lot during the years, including students storing alcohol in hollowed cell phone cases, glasses cases, heels of sandals and doubled sandwich bags taped to their bodies.But there’s a simple solution here — just down all your alcohol before stumbling into the stadium on gamedays.There’s nothing more aggravating than waiting in the ticket line for several extra minutes because a student is trying to sneak alcohol into the stadium and got caught. If students stopped trying to sneak alcohol past on-duty security guards all the time, then maybe the police wouldn’t have to scramble to try to search every student who walked through the gates. Then the line could move a little faster.Plus, nobody likes to get drenched with Wild Turkey after a touchdown because someone threw their cup into the air to celebrate.The University has plenty of rules and regulations we don’t always agree with. But not sneaking alcohol into the stadium is just one of those rules that’s easy to follow and helps everybody out. Save your creative energy for other things on campus. Leave the alcohol at your tailgate and get your fill before the game.Besides, it’s not like there’s a shortage of time to catch up at a postgame party.—-Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Drink all your booze before heading into the stadium
October 15, 2008