WASHINGTON (AP) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, touted by GOP presidential candidate John McCain as his expert on energy, seemed to have problems Thursday explaining whether the government bans oil exports — especially from her state’s North Slope fields. A questioner at a town hall-style meeting in Wisconsin said he had heard that at least 75 percent of the oil drilled in Alaska was being sold to China and said, if true, he would like to know why. “No. It’s not 75 percent of our oil being exported,” Palin said, suggesting some of Alaska’s oil, in fact, may be going abroad, but not that much. “In fact,” she added, “Congress is pretty strict on, um, export bans of oil and gas especially.” —-Contact The Daily Reveille’s news staff at [email protected]
Palin uncertain on facts about oil exports
October 9, 2008
Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin addresses a crowd in Wednesday in Strongsville, Ohio.