A 26-year-old man was arrested Saturday after allegedly trying to enter Tiger Stadium with a gun.The East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office said a deputy recovered a loaded, black semi-automatic 9mm pistol from the pocket of Jonathan Maher’s shorts as he passed through the gate to the outer stadium area at LSU’s home game against Mississippi State. A deputy originally thought the object in Maher’s pocket was alcohol. But when Maher was asked if he had alcohol, Maher denied it and said the object was a gun.Maher faces charges of illegal carrying of weapons and carrying in a firearm-free zone.Herb Vincent, senior associate athletic director, said the athletic department is aware of the incident and remains confident in its gameday security.”We have no changes planned,” he said. “Our security measures appear to be working.”Chief Sports Writer Amy Brittain contributed to this report.
Contact Rachel Whittaker at [email protected]