LSU has more than 350 registered student organizations. That’s more than 350 ways to get involved at the University.From 220 Campus Ministry to Zeta Tau Alpha, student organizations cover just about anything of interest.There’s no excuse for a student to not be involved in some club at his or her college.Potential employers look at extracurricular activities on resumes. Other universities search for involvement in applications, and it just makes your college experience a little more enjoyable. Student Government and Greek Life are two popular choices because of the large amount of members. But for those interested in something a little different, there’s a whole list of organizations to be explored. The Friends of International Football Association, Aussie Rules Football Club, Hip Hop Coalition, Ice Hockey Club, Mac User Group, Real Time Interactive Simulation Organization (RTISO), Students for the Promotion of Antiquity and Wargaming and Roleplaying Society are just a few to name. And if you still can’t find anything that interests you, there is always the option of organizing your own group. The Student Organization handbook says “a group of five or more currently enrolled full-time students may form a registered student organization by picking up the application forms from the Center for Student Leadership & Involvement.” Find a handful of people, state a purpose, get an adviser, and you can form a student organization.Don’t spend your years in college being a 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. student. Join clubs. Stay active. Make the University and your time here what you want it to be.—-Contact the Editorial Board at [email protected]
Our View: Student organizations provide something for everyone
October 10, 2008