The construction of a new pedestrian and bike path will provide alternate modes of transportation in and around campus.The path will link the South Gates Business District, located on Burbank Drive, and the residential areas located south of campus to the campus core along Nicholson Extension.This is intended to increase the safety for students traveling in this area by bicycle or foot by removing them from the roadway.The total estimated cost of the project is $275,500. The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development will fund 95 percent of the project. The University will be responsible for the remaining 5 percent of the cost, totaling $13,775, in addtion to all design and testing costs.The path’s expected completion date is Aug. 2010.
For a full story on the new path, pick up tomorrow’s print edition of The Daily Reveille.—-Contact Leslie Presnall at [email protected]
Bike path to improve transportation around campus – 12:34 p.m.
September 21, 2008