90210CWThe zip code may be the same, but the new cast is cattier and more conniving than ever. The West Beverly High teens are richer, bitchier and even more unrealistically beautiful and mature-looking than the original characters. But instead of getting caught in the web of high school hookups, pay attention to the adult affairs of the show, which are somehow much more relatable than the morning school bell sex scandals and afternoon jet sets to San Francisco.D. ZERBYB-
Babylon A.D.20th Century Fox”Babylon A.D.” couldn’t decide if it wanted to be a hardcore action flick or a religious sci-fi thriller. It failed at both. The writers fail to explain how transporting a schizophrenic futuristic Virgin Mary changes mercenary Vin Diesel into a loving farming father. This movie was built around a shoddy concept and was forced to rely on fight scenes to make it interesting. And those weren’t that great either. Predictable and boring, “Babylon A.D.” is not worth your money.A. FELIXD+
CollegeElement Films”College” is a train wreck. There is no other way to describe it. It follows three male high school students who visit a local college for a weekend as prospective students and become the “pre-frosh” for a fraternity there. In a horrible attempt to mimic “Superbad,” the three main characters were cast to be just like Seth, Evan and Fogell. The movie had way too many bad jokes and too many disgusting images that could be funny only to those with an IQ in the toilet.C. VOGELSD-
The BlockNew Kids on the BlockInterscope RecordsJordan, Joey, Jonathan, Donnie and Danny are back and more bland than ever. “The Block” is an attempt to prove the maturity and ageless appeal of the boy band by adding collaborations with current pop stars such as the Pussycat Dolls and Akon. But the songs sound like they were scraped off the cutting room floor of the producers for said pop stars. And almost 40-year-old white men should not be singing the same lyrics as Akon, much less the same song. They prove the old adage true: you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.L. WALCKD+
TraitorOverture Films”Traitor” is packed with action and conspiracy, but a plot concerning international terrorism and a double agent is all too familiar. Viewers may experience déjà vu and recall Jason Bourne. But Don Cheadle is superior and the script is exceptional. While the film wrestles between being thrilling and sentimental, it does urge a reassessment of the conflict with the Muslim world. Audiences shouldn’t expect to grasp the edge of their seats, though. A. NORSWORTHYB-
The RecessionYoung JeezyDef Jam RecordsYoung Jeezy’s third album “The Recession” will not disappoint fans who love his Southern-style flow over “dope” beats. While the album focuses on big issues such as a possible recession and Barack Obama, Jeezy’s lyrical approach tends to sound too similar to his previous two releases. In his latest single “Vacation,” Jeezy informs listeners about how stressed he is and how he desperately needs a vacation. After this album, fans wouldn’t mind if he disappears for a while.J. CHENIERC
Editor’s PickCalexico- Carried to DustFOR FANS OF:Iron & Wine, Califone, M. Ward”Carried to Dust,” the latest album from the Arizona duo, improves upon their earlier work with lush arrangements of guitars, percussion and Mexican horns interspersed with more subtle tracks, a combination fans have come to expect. Guest artists such as Sam Beam of Iron & Wine add complexity to the set, with tracks “Inspiracion” and “House of Valparaiso.” Calexico has provided a sound unheard in mainstream music for over a decade, and its latest effort is no exception.S. AYCOCK
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Reveille Ranks
September 10, 2008