Thank you for your recent coverage of transportation issues; the bike and traffic construction articles are highly appreciated. However, I have a few critical points regarding the recent article regarding the mayoral-candidate forum on Baton Rouge transportation. To characterize the audience as “relatively small” is subjective and misleading. Considering the hurricane (which prevented Mayor Holden and several organizers from attending), the event hosts were satisfied with the turnout of around 75 people. More importantly, to say that the University hosted the forum is an omission which does not give the organizers who worked hard for this event their due credit. For the record, the hosting organizations were Baton Rouge Advocates for Safe Streets, the Environmental Conservation Organization at LSU (ECO), the Louisiana Chapter of the American Planning Association, the Baton Rouge Bike Club, the Baton Rouge Sierra Club, and the Louisiana Environmental Action Network. All of the organizers are grateful to the University for offering a free venue for the event. I’d like to respectfully request that the ECO be cited and/or contacted about articles pertaining to cycling and sustainability on campus. Students in this organization have invested considerable time and effort establishing a reputable group and can offer valuable insight into these issues. Student Government is the official student representative to the University administration, but other student organizations also deserve to have a voice in campus affairs. To ignore their involvement is to dismiss the important role which they have worked hard to earn. Sean Bagleygraduate studentchemical engineering
Letter to the editor
September 28, 2008