Dear LSU Family,You are all aware, I know, that Gustav, a dangerous hurricane, is bearing down on the Louisiana Gulf Coast. As chancellor, the safety and welfare of our campus community is of the highest importance as we all meet this challenge as one.First, to all LSU students living on campus, if you will be staying in your residence hall through the storm, please contact your front desk, your Resident Assistant (RA), your Resident Manager (RM), or your Residential Life Coordinator (RLC) as to the best course of action to take while sheltering in place. The Department of Residential Life has procedures in place that are meant to keep you safe, and their employees have had extensive training to prepare for situations like this. Please pay close attention to their instructions; your safety is their number one priority as it is mine.To all students who have registered to volunteer in our service efforts, thank you. We value your dedication. Please note, our volunteers will not be asked to do anything that will jeopardize their safety during the storm. If you signed up to volunteer, you will be notified when your services are needed after any potential danger has passed.If power is lost, be assured that the LSU staff will work diligently to resolve any issues internal to campus and restore services as soon as possible. The residence halls will be a top priority in power regeneration.During the storm, please stay indoors and do not drive from place to place. When parking your car on campus, stick to the parking lots instead of streets whenever possible and avoid parking under large trees that may lose branches during the hurricane.Also, for the safety and security of faculty and staff, you are being asked not to report for work or enter work areas unless you have been previously designated as essential in emergency situations. Employees should check with their supervisors to determine if you have been designated as essential personnel.In the meantime, LSU’s emergency hotline number, 1-800-516-6444 or 578-INFO (4636), will also be kept up-to-date.Finally, let me emphasize again to use caution throughout this hurricane. In my short time at LSU, I have met many new friends, and I look forward to getting reacquainted with each and every one of you after all of us weather this storm together.Sincerely,Michael V. MartinChancellor