Obama is not completely uniqueWho Am I?In the Democrat Primaries I was not well know at first. A very popular and powerful New England Senator whose family name is tied to a former President was expected to run away with the nomination. But I won the nomination in spite of no experience. But I graduated from a very prestigious University and I am considered very intelligent.I was swept into office on the heels of a very unpopular war. The Vice President was a crook and the President was very unpopular. In fact he destroyed the Republican “brand.” The best the Republicans could run against me was a milk-toast, country-club moderate Republican that is known for working with both sides. The country was suffering a bad recession and inflation is getting worse. There is a housing crisis, the price of energy is going through the roof, the oil companies are making record profits and the US auto industry is collapsing.My solutions are simple, redistribution of wealth. Big Business is making too much profit. I propose a Windfall Profits Tax on Big Oil to give tax breaks for the middle class and to invest in renewable energy. I want to invest in wind, solar and plant based alternative energy. I am mandating higher fuel standards for cars and lower speed limits. I will use the office of the Presidency to direct and change Wall Street and the Markets. I have no experience with economic matters but I have great economic advisors.My Foreign Policies are to negotiate instead of using the Military. In fact I propose to cut military funding by 25% and use that money to fund social programs, especially health care. However I will use the military in spite of a lack of supplies and equipment. I will remove Western influence on Islamic nations and allow the religious leaders to take over Iraq and Iran. Who am I? Jimmy Carter.I hate to burst the bubble of all you Obama supporters, but he is not unique. Just because YOU did something for the first time in your life (vote for Obama) does not mean this has never happened before.Harold Daigle Jr.biological sciences graduate student—-Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected]
Letter to the Editor, 12/2
December 1, 2008