There’s no place on earth like Tiger Stadium on a Saturday night. And there’s no place more wild, more spirited than its student section. But 740 of those student seats were resold to the general public this week. Students – if you don’t attend Saturday’s football match-up against the University of Mississippi, your chances of keeping your student section the way it is will drop. Show up at the Ole Miss game this Saturday. Flood the stadium and show the Athletic Ticket Office that you love football and you love the University. Not attending the game will only add to the ticket office’s argument that the student section should be smaller. Student attendance at the games has been low for the past two seasons – but tickets are still tough to get for many students. If you think the problem is with the ticket allocation system, voice that. Write letters to the editor. Express your annoyance to the ticket office. Contact your Student Government senator and presidential administration. But show up at the game if you want to be heard. Or sell your ticket before 5 p.m. today. Just don’t let the section go empty. Tiger Stadium doesn’t have the nickname “Death Valley” for no reason. It is because of the fans, particularly the student section, known for its wild and crazy antics. Ed Simonini, former Texas A&M University linebacker, said it best. “I stood in Tiger Stadium and I thought, ‘This is what the Colosseum in Rome must have been like.'” Keep up that tradition of intimidation. Pack the student section this weekend and tell Ole Miss to go to hell.
—–Send letters to the editor to [email protected]
Our View: Pack the stadium for Saturday’s game
November 17, 2006